Brand marketing book for building materials manufacturer

Brand marketing book for building materials manufacturer

Shesells Digital's client showcase highlights the success of a building materials manufacturer who sought their expertise to enhance their marketing strategy and branding efforts.

Through a comprehensive approach, the agency created a Brand Marketing Book that outlined the company's unique selling points and provided non-standard modern solutions for online sales.

The Brand Marketing Book included a thorough company positioning analysis, which helped the manufacturer to identify their tagline, goals, preferred naming and promotion keywords, as well as their point of difference and emotions of clients.

Additionally, the book presented the company's achievements and statistics, allowing the manufacturer to showcase their successes to potential clients.

The agency's team also conducted a SWOT analysis and identified the company's product/service positioning, pricing structure, and marketing strategy. They further examined the target audience and their values and needs, which helped to define the customer journey and marketing directions.

The book also provided detailed information on digital marketing tools such as TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and traditional media. It also covered offline marketing, guerilla marketing, and situational marketing, as well as strategies for handling negative objections and increasing sales through sales funnels.

To support the marketing efforts, Shesells Digital provided content ideas, including selling content, informative content, and entertaining content. The book also discussed company merchandise and other marketing tactics to support the manufacturer's overall marketing goals.

In summary, the Brand Marketing Book created by Shesells Digital provided the building materials manufacturer with a comprehensive and effective marketing strategy that enhanced their online sales, increased their brand recognition, and improved their customer engagement.

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